Newspapers, plaster lumps, blue steel shavings, keys, sewed linen jacked,
broken milk bottles, nails, soap daunts, thistles on 9 steel tubes, 18 steel tripods,
letterpress on paper in steel frames
1. The Broker – plaster lumps – The ceiling piercer dries teeth under acceleration
2. The Barber – nail bristles – The blister remedy makes the hair stand on end in terror
3. The Burglar – key crystals – The escape magnetiser saves up stratagem
4. The Reporter – Tuesday papers- The wrapped indicator predicates rising temperatures
5. The Usher – soap daubs – The slippery probe ensures perfect penetration
6. The Dairyman – bottle barricade – The zigzag delinquency determines victory
7. The Butcher – steel shavings – The marrowbone whistle instigates depredation
8. The Porter – linen drapery – The battering-ram harnessed for victory
9. The Grocer – thistle cover – The tibia tactics clears paths drastically