Charles Johnstone
born 1952 in New York
lives and works in New York City
Havana, Meredith Ward Fine Art, New York
Havana, Jörg Maaß Kunsthandel, Berlin
Thirty Four Basketball Courts, Meredith Ward Fine Art, New York
Thirty Four Basketball Courts, Joseph Bellows Gallery, La Jolla, CA
Few Empty Pools, Meredith Ward Fine Art, New York
New York Handball Courts, Julie Saul Gallery, New York
Brooklyn Corrugated Iron Fences, Julie Saul Gallery, New YorkGruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)
Beauty in the Banal: American Topographic Photogr., Jörg Maaß Kunsthandel, Berlin
Alles nur Fassade?; Fritz-Klatte-Quartier, Griesheim, Marcard Pro Arte
Alles nur Fassade?, Hauck&Aufhäuser, Hamburg, Marcard Pro Arte
Three Photographers – Three Perspectives, Jörg Maaß Kunsthandel, Berlin