born 1970 in Barcelona
lives and works in Barcelona, Spain
Pere Llobera’s paintings resemble volatile evocations of possible worlds. The works are like scenes taken from a narrative, fragments in a film or a detective story. Often, they combine various layers and types of visual information. The painterly style is atmospheric, moody; a sleek unevenness suggests that everything can change at any moment; this mercurial aspect is important.
Llobera is interested in the state of the world, he makes art in response to political issues, and takes his inspiration from many artists. He favours a humoristic approach to the unexpected, for example he made a painting of one of his own works, that was hung behind a door because his friend’s wife did not favour it. Sometimes he collaborates with other artists.
Pere Llobera had solo exhibitions at Fundació Joan Brossa, Barcelona (2023), Museum Voorlinden, Wassenaar (2019) and MNAC, Barcelona (2018). During the exhibition at Museum Voorlinden, Llobera was awarded the Sacha Tanja Award 2019.
Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Historia y Estética de la Cinematografía. Universidad de Valladolid. Valladolid, Spain
Bellas Artes. Universidad de Sant Jordi. Barcelona, Spain
Is that all there is?, HIDDE VAN SEGGELEN, Hamburg, Germany
Things that make crack! Fundació Joan Brossa, Barcelona
ORPLID Bombon, Barcelona
Tear it up, HIDDE VAN SEGGELEN, Hamburg, Germany
Una perfección mäs pequeña, F2 Galería. Madrid, Spain
Faula Rodona, La Capella, Barcelona
Do the opposite, Material Art Fair, Mexico city, Mexico
Pere Llobera, Musuem Voorlinden, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Know the imposible by heart, Miguel de Cervantes natal house. Alcalá de Henares, Spain
Kill your Darlings, Sís Galerie, Sabadell, Spain
Acció, Bombon Projects, Barcelona, Spain
Supuració etílica de la pedra,MNAC, Barcelona, Spain
Estacional, F2 Gallery, Madrid, Spain
‘Unter dem Pantoffel stehen’, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Can Manye, Alella, Spain
Lesió, Bradwolff Projects, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
El mal de Ensor, Fucares Gallery, Madrid, Spain
Del joc i del foc, Fons Welters Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Artesantander. Galería Fúcares. Santander (Cantabria) Spain
Tired o being strong. Galerie Fons Welters. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Pere Llobera, Galerie Maribel López. Berlín, Germany
Hey, Hey, My, My, Museum Tongerlohuys. Roosendaal, The Netherlands
Galerie Fons Welters. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Open Studio 2007. Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Exprimir la naranja. Galería Esther Montoriol. Barcelona, Spain
Hunting with oil. Galerie Vieleers. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Se acabó la magia. Galería Esther Monturiol. Barcelona, Spain
Delta Force. Galerie Vieleers. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Galería Principal Sombrerers. Barcelona, The Netherlands
Contenedor de sombras. Galerie Vieleers. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Looking at photos. Galerie Vieleers. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Galería Rosa Ventosa. Barcelona, The Netherlands
Where I end, and You Begin, HIDDE VAN SEGGELEN, Hamburg, Germany
Blown up, L21 gallery. Palma de Mallorca, Spain
11a Biennal d’Art Leandre Cristòfol, La Panera, Lleida
Entre cortina y montaña, curated by Francisco Ramallo. Museo de Arte Contemporá- neo Fernando Centeno. Genalguacil, Málaga, Spain.
Bianyal Contemporary Art Event, La Vann de Bianya, Spain
Dialogue de l’ombre double, Centro de Arte de Alcobentas. Alcobendas, Spain
The Artist / Knight, Kasteel van Gaasbeek, Gaasbeek, Belgium
Autogestió, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, Spain
Materia Primera, Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Spain
Perfect World, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, Kaufbeuren, Germany
Perfect World, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, Kaufbeuren, Germany
Aanwinsten 2016, Kunstruimte De Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Walking in Ice. The Epic and Dysfunctional in Artistic Practice, curated by David Armen- gol, Bolit Contemporary Art Center, Girona, Spain
Another Day: nieuwe aankopen ABN AMRO Collectie 2014-2015, ABN AMRO Bank, Amsterdam
Nieuwe Gezichten op Dordrecht, Dordrechts Museum, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
Manifesten, Kranenburgh Museum Bergen, The Netherlands
TEFAF Maastricht, with Hidde van Seggelen Gallery
Nothing but good life, Park, Platform for Visual Art, Tilburg, The Netherlands
I. El text, principis i sortides. Chronicle: Narrative, History and Subjectivity (curated by Martí Manent and David Armengol), Fabra I Coats, Contemporary Art Center, Barcelona, Spain
Una exposició lluminosa, Galería Esther Montoriol, Barcelona, Spain
Capítulo I: Crónica, Narración, historia y subjetividad. Fabra i Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani. Barcelona, Spain.
Escópico-Esconder(se)-Escapar, comisariada por Juan Francisco Rueda. Galería Fúcares_Madrid, Spain
From a Painter’s Perspective. Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Pere, Llobera, Yuko Murata, Jacco Olivier. Hidde van Seggelen Gallery, London, UK
EU – 27 Countries, 27 artists, curated by Tanya Rumpff. Museum Tongerlohuys, Roosendaal. The Netherlands
What’s up!. Dordrechts Museum. Dordrechts, The Netherlands
Perfect solitude. Galerie Fons Welters. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Being there, Galerie Akinci. Amterdam, The Netherlands
The Cassini Cruise. Gubbelstraat 38. Maastricht, The Netherlands
LUMC. Leiden, Holanda. Frieze. London, UK
Re-Enacted Painting-White Screen. Via Farini. Milan, Italy
KolnShow2, comisariada por Nicolaus Schafhausen and Florian Waldvogel
Spruth Magers Gallery. Cologne, Germany
Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art 1. Tessaloniki, Greece
KunstRai. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Galería Esther Monturiol. Barcelona, Spain
Artfair Realism 2004. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Pulchri Studio. The Hague, The Netherlands
KunstRai. Amsterdam , The Netherlands
Les Catalans, Simon Blais Gallery. Montreal, Canada
Gallery 55. Bangkok, Thailand
Galerie Vieleers. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
ArtFrankfurt. Frankfurt, Germany
KunstRai. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Galería Principal Sombrerers. Barcelona, Spain.
Sala Blanquerna, Madrid, Spain.
Principal Sombrerers Gallery, Barcelona, Spain.
Vieleers Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Halle du Poison, Perpignan, France
Pere Llobera, author(s): Javier Hontoria, newspaper/magazine: Artforum, online
An interview with Pere Llobera, author(s): Rosanna Mclaughlin, by Hidde van Seggelen Gallery
Niet zomaar een schilderij, author(s): Sander Pleij, newspaper/magazine: Vrij Nederland.
Het gevecht met de gemelijkheid, author(s): Kees van Kooten, newspaper/magazine: Hollands Diep, October
Spel tussen kracht en zwakte bij Welters, author(s): Lucette ter Borg, newspaper/magazine: NRC
‘I am not cool’, author(s): Ingrid Commandeur, newspaper/magazine: Metropolis M, no. 2
Drie leugenaars in een bomvol atelier, author(s): Frits de Coninck, newspaper/magazine: Het Financieele Dagblad, Koln Show 2: Pere Llobera, Exprimir la naranja catalogue: JosephPlateau Graphical Design, Amsterdam
Open Ateliers, newspaper/magazine: NRC
The end of magic, author(s): Chris Reinewald, newspaper/magazine: Tableau Art Magazine
Endurance catalogue: Vieleers Gallery Amsterdam and publisher De Berk, Overveen
Calm Landscapes, catalogue: Rosa Ventosa Gallery, Barcelona
National Colection, Barcelona, Spain. Colección de Arte Contemporáneo de la Fundación bancaria La Caixa, Spain. Colección del Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo de la Comunidad de Madrid, Spain. ING Collection The Netherlands, The Netherlands. DNB Art Collection (De Nederlandsche Bank), The Netherlands. Akzo Nobel Art Foundation. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Museum Voorlinden. Wassenaar, The Netherlands. ABN AMRO Art Collection. The Netherlands. Colecció d’art censurat, Spain.